Volksbank ImmobilienLeasing

Your dream house is waiting for you

You find your dream property, we buy it for you and you can live in it - incl. purchase option at a fixed price.

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Found a property?

However, too little equity? Unsure whether it is really the right property? Do you want to own your own home, but a possible job change is imminent? With Volksbank ImmobilienLeasing you can fulfil your dream of owning your own home sooner and more flexibly. Become an OWNR now with our help and fulfil your dream even with little equity.

Profit several times over.

Your advantages with Volksbank ImmobilienLeasing powered by OWNR.

We clear the way for you to own your own home. Fast, flexible and uncomplicated: You choose one, we buy and you move in.

Discover the possibilities of Volksbank real estate leasing

  1. Choose a property from our suggestions or send us the details of your dream property if you have already found one.

  2. We buy your dream property for you, take care of the renovation and you can soon move in.

  3. At the end of the term you have chosen, you can decide whether you want to buy the property at a price that has already been fixed, rent it or look for another property.


Your options as OWNR

You buy the object for the price set at the beginning

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You just keep on renting.

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You move to another object of your choice.

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These are the options available to you after the term you have chosen. The lease term is between 24 and 48 months and can be set by you. Important: You decide what to do after the leasing period at the end of the lease.

After registering, you will receive access to our large selection of properties in our real estate portal. Register now and find a property.

Start now

Open questions?

What do I have to consider during a viewing?

The properties we offer you for leasing are properties for sale. Experience has shown that estate agents and owners are more attentive to the properties during viewings than you are used to from viewings of rental properties. You may receive more extensive property documentation than just the usual exposé. Simply forward them to us.

Since the leasing model is an unprecedented form of living, the agent may not yet be familiar with the OWNR model. Please let us know before the agreed viewing appointment so that we can inform the estate agent or owner about Volksbank ImmobilienLeasing before your appointment.

Who is renovating the property?

You should feel as comfortable as possible in your new home. That's why we work with regional companies during the renovation, who measure the kitchen and bathroom in your property individually and then install them for you. Further renovation work will be checked by our renovation experts in the OWNR team and, if necessary, carried out before you move in.

What are the details of the purchase option?

As an OWNR customer, you have a purchase option at the end of the minimum term. The exact purchase price is already fixed in the leasing contract, giving you enough time to get to know your home and plan the financing. The purchase price is calculated from the original purchase price paid by OWNR plus renovation costs and any brokerage fee incurred as well as an appreciation adjustment.

You decide flexibly at the end of the minimum term whether you want to use the purchase option.

What does the minimum term mean?

The minimum term of the leasing contract can be seen as a trial period.

or you can use the time to save up for the purchase. You can determine this yourself according to your needs with six-month increments between 24 and 48 months. An exclusion of termination limited to your chosen minimum term is then agreed in the leasing contract. This protects us to a certain extent, as we are making a large investment for you with the purchase of the property.

Shortly before the minimum term expires, you can choose flexibly from the following three options:

  1. You use your purchase option at a pre-determined price and buy your home.
  2. You simply continue to live in your home and continue to pay your leasing rate with an appropriate index.
  3. You move out and look for something new with or without OWNR.

What characterises the leasing contract with Volksbank ImmobilienLeasing?

The leasing contract is based on a rental contract. It is valid for an unlimited period of time and as an OWNR you are protected by German tenancy law. However, the leasing contract is supplemented by two components: it includes the minimum term (18-48 months), in which mutual termination of the contract is excluded, and your purchase option with a fixed purchase price at the end of the minimum term.

What are the components of the leasing rate?

We provide you with the greatest possible transparency regarding the services you have selected. After registering, you can see exactly how your personal leasing rate is made up in the configurator.

The monthly OWNR rate is comparable to a basic rent, i.e. a usage fee for your property. Since the purchase price and renovation of the property are not yet fixed, a range is initially displayed here. In addition, the estimated consumption-independent operating costs (e.g. refuse charges) for the property are displayed. These are based on comparative and average values. In addition, there are the costs that depend on your personal consumption, such as for heating and hot water.

The monthly leasing rate is calculated from these components. You will also receive an exact overview of your operating costs, as you already know from a rental property. This gives you a precise overview of how your OWNR rate is made up.

Which company is behind Volksbank ImmobilienLeasing?

vobahome GmbH is a 100% subsidiary of Vereinigte Volksbank Raiffeisenbank eG (Link). We use our many years of banking expertise to make new and innovative ideas accessible to both customers and our cooperation partners. Before we offer a solution, it is naturally put through its paces. Volksbank ImmobilienLeasing, for example, is supported by our cooperation partner OWNR. Your personal contact person is at your disposal your personal contact throughout the entire advisory process.